Sunday, February 14, 2010

An Introduction.

Greetings! I am the GameFiend, call me G.F. though, and this blog introduces Gaming's Best as not just another voice but as, hopefully, "the" voice in gaming today. Now I know, that's way too ambitious for a starter Blogger like me, but I have high expectations of myself and what I write. So I say that with conviction, that Gaming's Best is going to strive to be the best. I'll be posting the blogs for now, but eventually i can say that I will be looking for other capable minds to help me add to Gamings Best archives of super ultra delicious gaming goodness.

For now you can expect to read blogs covering consoles and handhelds, that may branch off into more as the time progresses, maybe music, art beyond gaming, technology and who knows what else good. Stay tuned to see what happens, and Game On fellow players, game on!! Word.

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